Monday, October 29, 2012

Winter coat

If the first mate arrives from her daily hunting and gathering routine fifteen minutes late with a bag I know she has been shopping clothes. Then in the evening she will try on the new clothes and ask the captain to comment. The comments have certain requirement, their being too short and not descriptive enough the first mate requests the captain improve the commenting. I feel sorry for the captain to have such duty after long day of hunting and gathering so I help him by checking the purchases and giving my seal of approval, or rejection, by leaving few of my luxurious hair on the goods.

Talking about my luxe fur. I am lucky to have more sophisticated system for changing to winter warderobe, it just happens gradually and I really don't have need to shop. I believe that the captain wished that the first mate, and himself, would be like that too. I shed slowly the summer coat and there it is - three layers of functional warmness perfectly suitable for near-arctic winters of latitudes beyond 64 degrees. In the pics I show off my gorgeous muffler.

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