Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Summer Vacation 2012 - Sorttisviken in Seskarö

My summer vacation production is getting closer to its culmination, the islands of Seskarö and Huvön and their magical anchoring bays my crew has been dreaming about the whole winter. I have lived with my crew only since last October and yet these destinations feel so familiar to me because my crew has been talking about them so much.

This is first of the three, Sorttisviken. The unique thing in the Seskarö anchoring bays is that you actually drive the boat up to the beach. The sand bank is so steep that when your keel hits, or actually smoothly dips, into it your crew can walk to the beach in knee high water (I don't go to water, I enjoy watching it). The anchor is used in the boat stern and the ropes are connected from the bow to the beach pines or rocks.

The journey to Sorttisviken was partially unpleasant - the old waves from yesterday's high winds were coming from south and we had to manage them in the narrow fairway on the east side of the island. Bumpy drive. I stayed in my sea bunk all the way. Fortunately the rest of the sailing was smoother.

The island is located here, see the map.

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