Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sun shines from the South

The days are becoming longer and longer and the Sun reaches the sky higher and higher on her traverse from the East to the West. Last weekend for the first time the Sun shone straight in from my cabin's outdoor's window. And I basked in the the Sun. With my favorite toy I got from Santa last Xmas. PS In the upper left hand side corner you can see my water and food plates. The water plate is a present from crew friends from a very very far away city where there is rarely snow but it rains more often. I hope I will meet those dear crew friend this Xmas.  

Monday, February 2, 2015

Snow cubes

You've got snow!

On Friday I arrived at the cabin with the crew, as usual. The snow plower
tractor had made its visit the same day but on the paths around the cabin
I could see I had gotten 50 centimeters of snow during the week.

I analyzed the quality of snow...

To get inside to the cabin these cubes of snow were removed from the pathway
to the porch.

We made it to the porch...

The amount of the snow was significant, on the roofs too. This fact made my weekend
super busy. I could practically say goodbye to my daytime sleeping routines.

Chill out