Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Ride to Sorttisviken

Some weeks ago it was again a Sunday when I needed some time to myself. As usual, I sent the crew for an outing. This time they selected to drive up to Seskarö and have a render-vous with Sorttisviken, now in its wintery form of existence. The bridge, it is large one but my vessel unfortunately  cannot make it and I have to take the souther route to get around the island. But it is a nice route I would recommend even Exter's would manage it under the bridge.

For comparison, check out the summer pics in Sorttisviken here.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Spring Thing

It's mid-March already. The Spring is on its way. You can notice it by the increased day light - there is light around the time my crew wakes up in the mornings they leave for the daily routines, the ones without nautical content. I can notice it personally as I feel a bit restless and my appetite is decreasing. Nothing to worry about, this is what male cats do. Also I have started shedding my winter coat for more suitable, more lighter one for the boat activities. This year, I cannot report about melting snow as we lacked the snow almost completely. The captain has set a new target to himself, he wants to learn how to sew sails - I will report if this endeavor produces results.